
Szanowni Państwo

Jeśli macie do mnie jakieś pytanie, oferty, propozycje - zapraszam do kontaktu mailowego lub przez telefon:

e-mail: boratynbartek@gmail.com
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W sprawie zamównienia tortów lub ciast na terenie Warszawy - proszę o kontakt kilka dni wcześniej.


  1. Hi!
    I am not sure if you remember me, two months ago a brazilian guy, vietnamese girl and a girl from Kyrgyzstan(me) visited your school in Lancut.
    Then you wrote me the name of your blog in my notebook.
    I just want to tell you that the blog is gorgeous, dishes look really yummy, articles are interesting as well. You are a very talented boy.
    Keep it up!!
    Kind regards,
    P. S. It was really nice to meet you, your friends and, of course, to visit your amazing country of Poland!


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